Saturday, September 27, 2008

the countdown continues

Our wedding is exactly THREE MONTHS from today!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

hope for a job

So yesterday was a pretty good day for me. None of my kids were suspended or sent to the BRT (that's pretty unusual). Work got canceled and it was a beautiful day outside, so I got to take Coach running. The Office premiered. I finished Third Grade lesson plans for all of next week. I sent my resume and cover letter out to two more principals in Tallahassee. AND (drumroll please.....) the principal from Hawk's Rise Elementary in Tallahassee called me!!!!!!

I had applied for a fifth grade opening at the school and she said that she saw all of my information on the online application system and was very impressed by all of my experience. She asked if it would be a problem that I was currently living in Gainesville, and when I told her I couldn't start until December, she said she had to fill the position by October. However, she said that she might have a couple maternity leave positions opening up, and that she would make a note of my start date. She finished the conversation by saying, "I look forward to meeting you!"

I was SO excited to finally hear something back, because so far I've applied but haven't even gotten a "No Thanks." Speaking with her definitely gave me hope that I will get a job for January!! It was a wonderful little encouragement along the way....fingers crossed for more job openings!!!

More life and wedding updates later.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

wedding updates!

Our wedding is only 115 days away! We went home this Labor Day weekend and got LOTS of wedding things done. We bought Zak's wedding band, went to Deer Creek and chose entrees, appetizers, decided room arrangement, timing, and other things, picked out our cake design and flavor, and ordered tuxes! We also started taking care of some of the smaller details like welcome baskets, song choices, and a card box.

Here's a few pictures of our cake tasting:

And handsome Zak in his tux!

We're getting closer and closer and can't wait!

love, z&j