"The original Irish translation for the word 'honeymoon' is mi na meala, which literally means the 'month of honey.' Irish custom held that the newlyweds would drink Mead at their wedding feast and for a full month after the wedding. In other words, for 'one moon,' hence the term honey moon." -Irish Wedding TraditionsWe learned this at Bunratty Castle in Ireland this summer, and although we will NOT be drinking mead for a month (it was nasty!), we do have a honeymoon reservation! We're going to Vilano Beach for five nights and staying in this cute beach-front cottage.
Vilano is only a few miles from St. Augustine, Anastasia State Park and Guana River State Park. We'll have lots of beach time, kayaking, exploring, and relaxing. Also, from November through January, St. Augustine puts on the "Nights of Lights" and lights up the bridges, trees, fort, streets, and everything. It looks beautiful!

Just wanted to keep you updated! love, z&j